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“Simia” is the Papiamentu word for seed. Seeds are meant to grow into a tree and give fruits. This is what we want to achieve for Curaçao; a growing IT-exporting economy that contributes to our economy and improves the well-being of our citizens.

SIMIA: Software Industry Making Impact Abroad


Curaçao Tech Export Association

Curaçao has a significant and growing list of IT companies with each of them already contributing to Curaçao’s economy. Software is highly scalable and by increasing our export, we want to bring more value to our island. The SIMIA association has the objective to represent, protect and improve the software exporting interests of its members.

SIMIA ’s goals

For Curaçao to become an IT-forward country, we believe that we have to improve on several areas:

  • Open our borders for knowledge workers
  • Invest in digitization of our school system
  • Create a collaborative environment (private sector, government, schools)
  • Provide the right infrastructure (high-speed internet)
  • Adopt digitization to the fullest extend
  • Become a digitally-driven government

Digital economy

The digital economy brings an enormous opportunity to our island. The software industry is extremely scalable and in the coming 5 years, 150 Million new jobs will be created worldwide in the digital economy.

It is the perfect example of a knowledge economy / export sector capable of generating the much-needed foreign exchange for our country. A perfect fit for our small island, a perfect sector for capturing value in the digital economy.

Curaçao the IT capital

Curacao has little natural resources and thus we strive for a solution and service economy. For a long time, oil refinery, financial services and, in the last decade, tourism, have been important pillars of the economy.

We believe that software products and services can become an interesting segment in our economy. The well-paid employees contribute to the taxes and also create other jobs.

Programming is a skill best acquired by practice and example rather than from books

Alan Turing

what does simia do for you?

SIMIA is a community of IT companies and together we want to achieve our mutual goals. The board coordinates the efforts of the members and acts as the spokesman for the government, educational system, tax, immigration and other stakeholders.
The members contribute to the goals by participating in projects and work groups.

Intellectual property

The best way to export IT is by means of a specific IT solution. Therefor, SIMIA works towards the continuous improvement and growth of the development and export of primarily locally developed Intellectual Property (IT related Products & Services).
Registering and managing IP is rather complex. SIMIA aims to support its members in the process of applications, tax consequences and more.

Joint forces

Together we can achieve more. There are a lot of topics to discuss and goals to meet. So, let’s do that together!

The board is our spokesman for the government and other stakeholders, the members are invited to join in projects and workgroups with a specific goal.

SIMIA ‘s Collaboration

We strive for a collaborative entrepreneurial environment that enables our members, the IT exporting companies, to work together and strengthen each other.