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Tax Alert

Executed by

Ernst & Young


In this Tax Alert we delve into the tax incentives and benefits that make
operating digital companies cost-efficient in Curaçao.



Innovation box

"Digital service companies fuel their creative drive and harness the potential of Curaçao as they create and develop their next big tech hit, all while benefiting from a 0% profit tax rate on qualifying income."

Curaçao: The Digital Hub to the Americas Curaçao Tax Benefits and Incentives for Digital Service Providers

From high-end consulting to software development, Curaçao digital companies excel in delivering value. When you include the state-of-theart Tier-IV data center and exceptional connectivity, Curaçao becomes the ideal digital hub to the Americas.
In this Tax Alert we delve into the tax incentives and benefits that make operating digital companies cost-efficient in Curaçao. Uncover how these advantages give digital hubs in Curaçao another competitive edge and help drive growth and success in the digital realm.


Innovation Box

Territorial Profit Tax System

Expat regime for qualifying ex-patriates

Curaçao’s unilateral decree for the avoidance of double taxation